Student Details

Full Name: Anaam Dorothy Awonbolemi

Phone: 0242776351

E-mail: anaampaul8@gmail.com

Gender: Female

Applicant ID: OLAGSHS20228080119

Application Date: 2022-09-05

Status: Admitted
Date of Birth: 2007-09-29

Address: NS-230-7824

Place of Birth: TAMALE

Nationality: Ghanaian

Religion: Christian

Last School: Faith Hill Community School

Index No: 082606300922

Name of Guardian: Paul Anaam

Relationship: Father

Address: NS-230-7824

Phone Number: 0242776351

Email Address: anaampaul8@gmail.com

Occupation: Mechanic

Institution: Paul Anaam Electrical Works

Name of Parent (Father): Paul Anaam

Address: NS-230-7824

Phone Number: 0242776351

Occupation: Mechanic

Name of Parent (Mother): Lydia Anaam

Address: NS-230-7824

Occupation: Hairdresser

Program: General Science

Class: Science 2

House: St. Mary

Date of Admission: 2022-12-01

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