Student Details

Full Name: Mesfin Barnabas

Phone: 0547926944

E-mail: asefuyohannesx@gmail.com

Gender: Male

Applicant ID: OLAGSHS20243574723

Application Date: 2024-04-19

Status: Pending
Date of Birth: 2008-10-09

Address: NS-001-9028

Place of Birth: ADDIS ABABA

Nationality: Ethiopian

Religion: Evangelical Christian

Last School: Naa Luro International Academy

Index No: 082614100224

Name of Guardian: Mesfin Dada

Relationship: Father

Address: NS-001-9028

Phone Number: 0547926944

Email Address: md.giragne477@st.aci.edu.gh

Occupation: Missionary


Name of Parent (Father): Mesfin Dada

Address: NS-001-9028

Phone Number: 0547926944

Occupation: Missionary

Name of Parent (Mother): Asefash Yohannes

Address: NS-001-9028

Occupation: House wife

Program: General Arts

Class: ARTS 2


Date of Admission:

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