Student Details

Full Name: Abraham Irene Adwoa Afi

Phone: 0244885597

E-mail: georgeabra@yahoo.co.uk

Gender: Female

Applicant ID: OLAGSHS2022461522

Application Date: 2022-08-27

Status: In School
Date of Birth: 2009-01-19

Address: box 2090

Place of Birth: Tamale

Nationality: Ghanaian

Religion: Assemblies of God

Last School: Etoile Royale Educational Center

Index No: 0826064004

Name of Guardian: George Abraham

Relationship: Daughter

Address: Box 2090 Tamale

Phone Number: 0244885597

Email Address: georgeabra@yahoo.co.uk

Occupation: Pharmacist

Institution: Ghana Health Service Sagnarigu

Name of Parent (Father): George Abraham

Address: Box 2090 Tamale

Phone Number: 0244885597

Occupation: Pharmacist

Name of Parent (Mother): Edem Adjoa Abraham

Address: N S-191-9348

Occupation: Accountant

Program: General Science

Class: Science 1

House: St. Paul

Date of Admission: 2022-12-01

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