Student Details

Full Name: Basumah Isabella Sommahme

Phone: 0536172323

E-mail: christiana.atalobra@gmail.com

Gender: Female

Applicant ID: OLAGSHS20249515354

Application Date: 2024-05-16

Status: Not Admitted
Date of Birth: 2010-10-09

Address: Regional Hospital Bolgatanga P. O. Box 27

Place of Birth: Bolgatanga

Nationality: Ghanaian

Religion: Christian

Last School: Desert Pastures International School

Index No: 5091001062

Name of Guardian: Stephen Basumah

Relationship: Father

Address: Regional Hospital Bolga ,P.O.Box 26 Bolgatanga Upper East Region

Phone Number: 0536172323

Email Address:

Occupation: Teaching


Name of Parent (Father): Stephen Basumah

Address: Regional Hospital Bolga ,P.O.Box 26 Bolgatanga Upper East Region

Phone Number: 0536172323

Occupation: Teaching

Name of Parent (Mother): Christiana Atalobra

Address: Regional Hospital Bolga,P.O.Box 26 Bolgatanga Upper East

Occupation: Nursing

Program: General Science

Class: Science 1


Date of Admission:

BECE Certificate: NOT AVAILABLE upload